Monday, February 18, 2008

My new books.

1. Aunt Erma's CopeBook by Erma Bombeck.

She says, in the Acknowledgements page:

For Betsy Bombeck, Andy Bombeck and Matt Bombeck.
If I blow it raising them...
nothing else I do will mater very much. :-)

Contents (interesting)

  1. how do i like me so far?
  2. the sub-total woman
  3. is there a draft in your open marriage?
  4. fear of buying
  5. looking for Mr. Goodbody
  6. is there life after packages?
  7. get off your cusp and live!
  8. raising consciousness in your own home for funa fn profit
  9. the complete book of jogging
  10. how to tell your best friend she has bad body english?
  11. bringing up parents the okay way
  12. go suck an egg
  13. a house divided against itself cannot stand one another
  14. living cheap
  15. tidying up your life
  16. I'll give you guilt, when I stop making you feel rotten
  17. contemporary etiquette that's AWRIITE
  18. I dont care what i say... I still like me
I am itching to get started on this fluffy thing!

2. The Fourth Hand - John Irving
This one is about visitation rights of widow, whose dead husband's hand has been transplanted to another man - how darkly comic is that?

Happy Karma

1 comment:

i-me-moi said...

i have at least a couple of erma bormbecks in bengaluru that feel ignored. please borrow them when u get the chance.