Tuesday, December 16, 2008


will be a day of new beginnings, in the lives of two good friends.I am not sure if the day is as significant to them. D said she was too drained running over numerous 'To do' lists to feel anything. L is coming home yet again, dragging her tired nomad feet to rest at what she hopes will be a life destination. Incidentally, these people will breeze past each other at the Mumbai airport - one on her way out and the other on her way in.

D is heading off to Cali to start a new life; actually to resume her idyllic life that was interrupted by several overseas projects, the lure of the great American dream and a several thousand miles of land and ocean . Enough resources by way of time, money, drained cellphone batteries, eyes glazed over by hours of typing away at numerous chat windows and numerous sleepless nights have been diverted into Project Lovelorn couple. D has never been more lucid about her choices. Over the last couple of years, I finally see her happy, relaxed and settling into her skin.

L comes home not knowing if she heads back - alone or otherwise, its another upheaval in all our lives as she will thrash through conflicted feelings towards family and society and career choices. I am bracing for several whys, what fors, and other soul searches. Nevertheless, her arrival is an event to look forward to.

Good luck children!

1 comment:

i-me-moi said...

:) i read this today. for some reason, i totally missed it. was scrolling down on your blog for nostalgia's sake. me in new land and enjoyin it to a limited deg but felt good readin this. L ... good luck always!