Tuesday, March 11, 2008

what the hell was that?

When my mind is doing its wandering act and trailing from thought to mental image to thought, this one widget keeps appearing like a news ticker, over the last 5 years:

Class 9 or 10:

Location : hallowed classroom of the erstwhile lah-di-dah Smt. Sulochanadevi Singhania School

All of us kids, poring over a fancy pencil box that belonged to one loaded kid.(I remember the kid :-))

A silvery grey and black narrow pencil box.

Now comes the fancy part- I remember that we kids were trying to solve a riddle that appeared on the box. I can only remember part of the riddle and I have sought it out on Google a gazillion times-you know how Google with its incredible predictive search jazz can do anything.

This one draws a blank though.

'Facing the son of genesis, one cannot help but think.....(cant remember here on)'

I remember the loaded kid, explaining to us, how no one in the world has ever been able to decipher it, her wide eyed stories of a mystery million dollar prize money and us li'il all-believing fantasy seeking children.

I'm stuck between figuring out what the riddle was and why this widget refuses to vaporize.

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