20 odd days since the last time I blogged - Bad, very bad.
Work, more work, running around, sleeping. "Sleep", my personal paradise reduced to a mere 6 hours. Sometimes I wonder what I do with my time - I don't think I have been doing any "me " stuff. Work has robbed me of vestiges of personal time and space.
I haven't done anything remotely creative.
My attempts to read "Sophie's Choice", which is truly engrossing, have been repeatedly shot down by my tired eyes. William Styron deserves better so, Sophie's Choice waits until, I try to get some order in my life.
Today is a new day - another one of those days- when I promise, myself a new order and sanity in my haphazard existence.
My social networking is at an all time low - a thumbs down on that account as well!
As a step towards 'me time', I saw, the Amitabh- Rani starrer Black on TV,and loved it. Tear shedding and a quick thankful prayer for the world of sight and sound followed.
My mother loves the movie Khakhee with the crazy enthusiasm of an Amitabh fan. She sat me through, parts of the movie- only so that, she could regale me with dialogues, she has learnt, by watching the movie 5 times.
Meanwhile, I think I can produce a decent rendition of Vertigo considering it plays in my ear almost all day.
I don't quite know, how to sign off, so here go -abruptly!
seems that u have lost touch with oneself.Have you ever wondered as i do if "these phases occur periodicaly and phase wise?"
cheers and keep going dudette
Amount of available "me time" is inversely propeortional to age(Age<=60). As age increases amount of "me time" decreases.
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