Tuesday, September 17, 2013

how do i protect my baby?

Today my eyes well up, as I pick up Athar at school.
The maid has bunked right after taking a hefty loan from me. I spent the morning hassled and raging about the errant maid. She made me yell at the spouse and Athar, both- I was snapping at them dawdling over morning tasks. I decided to work from home and go pick up the child early, because he has a cough and I'd rather he stay home.
So turns out, he fell down in school- jostled accidentally by another child. His teacher explains that they iced the spot and he is better now. I see a slight bump where he hurt himself.
What really upset me is how the teacher explained that , Atharva is an adorable child and not at all aggressive. Should I be proud of him? My little slightly built angel never even mentioned the fall to me. Long forgotten. Resilient.
Even when older kids snatch things from him, he doesn't snatch it back.
He looks bewildered and moves on to another toy.
Do I wish he was a little more assertive, a wee bit aggressive ?
I am not sure.
But I sure as hell know, that he gets it from his mum who gets bullied by mere maids and his father who will melt at the very hint of a sob story.

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Of milestones and learnings

July has been a month of great progress, parenting-wise and couple-wise.
Atharva is finally susu trained. He has been telling us when he needs to pee and one of us is hauling him to the loo. About time too- He will be 3, come September.
The brat is also getting really good with observing, mimicking and making up tales.
After a brief phase of disobedience that had us tearing our hair out and me crying copious amounts about the lacunae in my parenting skills, we are back to being civilized and sweet.
The big birthday decision has been made. we are taking the weekend off to travel to Mysore to see the Zoo, explore the museums and do the stuff that Atharva wants. Spares me the agony of planning a birthday party.

Of course I'll send muffins to school and suchlike.

Monday, May 20, 2013

Satisfaction is ...

a pair of perfect brown suede shoes, that don't cost a bomb.
I am not a sucker for laden shopping bags. All those do to me- guilt.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

why is to so hard to be superwoman

Why is it so hard for me to do it all. Be the super-fit 30 something woman, on top of things mom and super-cool wife.

Monday, April 29, 2013

In which I learn something new

Inspired by a recent spate of not so encouraging events in my professional life, I realize that I need a plan B. A plan B that does not involve a corporate job replete with benefits.

So I have resolved to learn something new everyday. Thank you R! That sounds like a good way to start my life anew.
I learnt today about the 21 day rule for learning something new.
" The patterns we repeat consistently (over a 21 day period) become neurological programs that we then run on a daily basis. You are writing programs all the time, you just may be unconscious of this process."
But there are some steps you can take to increase your chances of success in any new endeavor, including:

Take small steps. Don't try to do everything at once.
Only try to change one habit at a time.
Write down the habit you want to change, and write down specific plans for achieving that goal.

Repeat the behavior you're aiming for as often as you can. The more a behavior is repeated, the more likely it is that it will become "instinctive."

I will wake up at 5 a.m and run on the terrace on Tuesday.
At work I will read up on all the firewall stuff by Tuesday EOD.

Ill come back here to check it off.
Ta then.

Tuesday, January 08, 2013

Is your child exactly 2 years and 10 months old?

Yes good people, it is that time of the year. Queueing up outside schools to gather forms, ferret information from other parents while in queue and get all muddled up.
For a certain school, that both me and A are sold on, Athar is 2 months younger, than the eligible age. I just assumed that, they'd ignore that minor difference, but turns out they don't.
Since my child is not exactly 2 years and 10 months old for said school, I have slumped back in resignation and am faced with the difficult task of decision making. Should we just give up on this school and opt for others, or should he just wait another year?