Monday, January 30, 2006


A 3 letter word that describes 4 days of my life.
A new meaning for bliss, for relaxation, for happiness.
I am so overwhelmed by bliss, that the pain of the 10 hour journey can be easily ignored.

I don't think people in GOA have a real career, I mean how can you work in GOA ? Why would you? I think I am envious of folks who actually live and work in GOA.

I think my favoritest place in GOA is Anjuna. I almost nearly drowned here, playing water frisbee, but it was so cool. I came out laughing and sputtering and coughing up sea water.

A particular bull strayed on to Anjuna beach and drove a bunch of people crazy. Now this lucky dog(I mean bull) got his portfolio shot free of cost, from a bunch of expensive imported digicams. The goras went crazy and started posing with it, left right and center. The bull, waking up to his new found popularity, posed arrogantly and had quite an impressive photo shoot, I'd think.
I hope I don't see this footage on NatGeo :-P. I really have seen enough.

I shopped at a late night Tibetan bazaar for trinkets and stuff. Shouted myself hoarse bargaining!

Oh, and yes, also got fooled by an Ukrainian dancing couple on a cruise, who claimed to dance the Samba, Salsa and the Waltz. The Waltz looked, vaguely familiar, but the others were rip offs.

4 days in GOA is just not enough. A week- 10 days may be mildly satisfying.

I hate people who only have to travel 5 hours to get to GOA!


Suds said...

I think u love people who have to travel 31 hours to GOA. Seems like you had a blast. Post some pics n blog more!

i-me-moi said...

and you should hate people who have spent 12 days in goa over 2 trips even more :p